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Home Forums Archives How much CFM is required to suck out from a late model Combi Master PLUS?  THIS UNIT HOLDS TEN PLATES

  • maialenart

    October 23, 2019 at 1:04 pm

    Hi…I have two of the Combi Plus CPC-61E. I am thinking about upgrading to the new SCC-61E.

    It is ashame that there isn’t more information about Rational ovens. There is quite a bit you can do with programming etc. The documentation only scratches the surface. The trouble is Rational does not seem to have a bulletin board on its site, and I don’t think there are enough people on eGullet that have them.

    • ectofix

      October 23, 2019 at 4:53 pm

      I can only be partial to the oven’s capabilities from the technical aspect, since I’m a technician who repairs them.  I also have a solid grasp on the features of BOTH – your old CPCs and the the new SCCs.  Do you have any specific questions about them?
      Otherwise, perhaps some videos demonstating the SCC’s use and care might be helpful:
      Notice that there’s a playlist for twenty-six videos.  The icon for the pull-down list is in the upper right-hand corner.

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