Is there a replacement thermostat for the gone Robertshaw Kkt-10-48?
Posted by Poacher on December 16, 2024 at 11:16 amAny known replacement for Robert Shaw Kkt-10-48? Thanks!
fixbear replied 2 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
What is it going into? Easier to find by model of equipment replacement due to inventory reductions. There will usually be one that may have a longer sensing tube or different wiring configuration. Or even slightly different range or drift.
It’s a garland stove. I’ve dropped the front down looking all over for a model or serial number in all the locations I see mentioned from various sites including garland but no luck. I was hoping the two wire side would be easier to cross referenced. It cycles between 150 and 237 degrees back and forth. If I could get one that got me to cooking temp I would be happy. Had the stove 15 years, first one side went out 6 years back then the other just recently. Wife is on my case with holidays. It’s a 5 wire tstat on left side KKTB-11-48 for broiler. Both sides rated 5amp 120vac.
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I thought I put a picture of stove, anyway if this helps. Date on stat is 97. Accidently got a pic on here that I can’t figure how to delete.
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Likely a 10-13S. But can be another of the 10 sieries ranges.
10 series ranges-broilers-fryers.indd
You might find something that will work from Franklin. Alternately you might get something or more information from Robershaw. But after they were taken over, a lot of their designs were dropped. I hate corporate raiders. They make our job hell.
Appreciate the help fixbear, thermostat in form looks correct but the part and replacement are obsolete and that range is electric and mine is gas. I know I have K type, the 5 wire setup on the left side is Kktb which from digging around the T means it’s rated for higher temps and B is for broiler. So I know the type, I know it’s got a 48” capillary. Broiler side has kktb-11, that middle number I don’t know its significance. I’m know I’m trying to revive a dinosaur. Appreciate the fact I got a timely response. Thanks I’ll keep looking but shes cooking in a crockpot this Christmas.
The five terminals confused me. Is the valve/thermostat mounted on the manifold. You’ll probably have to change it over to a “BJ” style
Just want to confirm that you did pull the kickplate on the bottom and looked for the model on the frame post on the lower left side.
Being a gas range, if you can find the model. we might be able to point you to a upgrade kit.
It’s mounted slightly below burner knobs in same basic channel with 2 small screws on each side from outside the face plate there is not a gas valve attached to it, no gas in gas out inlet on the tstat it self. I didn’t trace 5 wires all down on the broiler side because I thought the 2 wire unit would be easier to source. This one is closest I found to broiler side. Same number of wires but 18 in the middle number instead of 11. It’s looks identity other than that and it’s 5 amps 120vac. Broiler side number again was kktb-11-48. I’m deer hunting now but I’ll be home Friday afternoon. I ve looked these over so much I remember the model numbers! Nice Camaro. Buddy of mine had one 68 small block solid lifters It would turn up.
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Yes I did pull the kick panels up both sides and crawls under in and around looking with light. Several holes where on may be have been pop riveted on there. But I haven’t. See numbers anywhere. Cleaned real good all around the frame in case serial number was taped. Looking through several parts explosions for identifiable parts some of sheet metal parts looked identical to a master series but the tstat wax mounted to valve directly in those images and did not look like mine. Thanks for help. I will look up conversion kit you mentioned
Got it sorted out. 702901 is the 5 wire kktb-11-48 and 719501 is the Kkt-10-48. The specs all check out. I took your advice and emailed Robertshaw. They got me straight. Appreciate it!
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