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  • Jade/ Southbend Double Broiler Infared Burner Issues

    Posted by tigertech71088 on December 17, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    So I have a Jade Broiler, about a year old, JBB-236 that is not burning right. They’ve had issues with them popping from time to time but the main issue now is that they have yellow flames leeching through the ceramic burner holes after about 5 minutes of running. Starts up fine and looks great but as it heats up the flames start leeching down from the burner. I figured it was a lack of Primary air so I checked out the HVAC and found the hood filters pretty clogged and the Make up air down. After fixing the make up air i fired up the broiler again and same issue. Flue is wide open and clear. kitchen is no longer dealing with negative air pressure

    I figured the burners were clogged so i took them apart but they were very clean except for the metal flakes. I cleaned things out anyway and make sure all the ceramics were pristine. still no change. Checked the small blower underneath and cleaned out the blower wheel just in case but again, no change no matter where i put the little damper cover.

    Nat gas, right around 5″wc dynamic with #42 orifices like the manual says it needs…. i’ve adjusted the pressure down to 4.5″ and up to 5.5″ and same issue no matter what….

    Any ideas?

    fixbear replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • fixbear

    December 17, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    You seem to have a fuel-air issue for sure. Check that the gas line is fully coupled and not restricted. Valve to be fully open. Then check your lines to the orifice to not be damaged. Now when it gets to the carburetor, It has to be clean and the orifice the right distance into it, straight, and centered to create the low pressure in the venturi for a correct mix. Also the orifice has to be clean and have a sharp edge at the discharge hole so that the cone of gas is completely sweeping the diameter of the venturi for mixing. Also look for the burner air intakes to be un-obstructed and clear. Other than that, you may have particulates inside the ceramic burner that got sucked in. This includes airborne grease that gets hardened on the back (inside) of the ceramic.

    Is there any leakage of the gasket seal around the edge of the ceramic? Also, are any of the ceramics cracked?

  • tigertech71088

    December 17, 2021 at 4:22 pm

    Thanks for your response. Orifices are nice and clean, venturies are wide open and the alignment looks great.

    Gas pressure is right on the money and the burners are in good shape. I even took one apart because I anticipated it being dirty and clogged but it was very clean inside. Insulation is all in great shape and no cracks in the ceramics.

    I’d say it was feeding too much gas but the pressure is right on spec and they’re just 1/4 turn valves and the orifices are correct and in good shape.

    Since gas seems to be to spec it seems like a lack of primary combustion air but i don’t see any way to get any more air to it.

    kinda making me loose my mind…

  • fixbear

    December 19, 2021 at 9:52 am

    Is this unit on wheels? Do the ceramics have pitch to them to the rear or a gap between them and pitched sideways?

  • tigertech71088

    December 20, 2021 at 11:02 am

    it’s not on wheels but I honestly did not check the leveling of the unit. I’ll have to do that!

    I did get the impression that there was a slight grade to the burners where they are lower at the front and rise towards the back.

    Thanks for the tip and i’ll keep you posted!

  • fixbear

    December 20, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    That pitch is what helps the flue gas from diluting the O2 for the burner. Also the baffle in the front is super important to be placed right and have all the screws in it.

  • fixbear

    January 7, 2022 at 11:02 am

    tigertech, how did you make out on this?

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