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  • Rational SCC 202 g

    Posted by Carcaruso on February 18, 2023 at 3:08 am

    Hi everyone, I’m Carmine!I’m repairing a Rational scc202 G oven . The problem is that for 2 months the oven has been giving the RESET GAS error while it is working.I checked everything that could be done, the ionization current, the bus connections and I also replaced the boiler spark plug as the manual RESET GAS error refers to a failure to ignite the burner after 5 attempts.I have no other ideas for solving the problem, my only doubt is whether this RESET GAS error also refers to other components of the oven and not just to the boiler.As further information, I can tell you that after a day of work, when the oven is switched off, it switches on automatically to give the SERVICE 34 – 6 error. This error disappears when the oven cools down.

    HospitalTech replied 1 year, 7 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • fixbear

    February 18, 2023 at 11:34 am

    34.xx is a buss failure code. Check your cables and plugs.

    Rational SCC Service Codes – techtown (

  • Carcaruso

    February 18, 2023 at 12:31 pm

    Hi! I checked all cable of bus connection but Service 34 – 6 already exists, but only when the oven is switched off and no when the over is working.

    The most important problem is the RESET GAS.

    Thanks for your answer

  • ryantruck9

    February 22, 2023 at 12:57 pm

    Greetings Carmine,

    your 202G also has 2 hot air burners

    if either burner fails to ignite or fails to prove ignition you will get a reset gas error.

    Even if you are in steam mode the hot air burners may come on to achieve 212F

    If in combi mode the hot air burners will definitely be needed.

    Function test your hot air burners to see microamp readings

    to help narrow down the fault check the gas error log at the end of the diagnostic menu

  • Carcaruso

    February 24, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    Hi ryantruck9 and thanks for your attention.

    I would like to update you on the scc202g oven.

    Having understood that the gas reset error does not refer only to the steam burner, I checked the connections of the other 2 air burners. Everything seemed to connect well until I inspected the part of the oven where the spark plug wire goes and the high burner ground wire.I noticed that the ground cable was “baked” due to the high temperature in that area. I fixed the wire and also checked the bottom burner and it had the same problem.

    Unfortunately, after this intervention, the oven presented the RESET GAS error again.
    In the next few days I will check the flame microamperes on all the burners, but it’s something I’ve done before and it hasn’t presented any errors.
    The ideal would be to test this current when there is an error.

    Do you think it could be the ignition circuit board?

    Grace again

  • fixitnow

    February 24, 2023 at 9:15 pm

    as ryantruck9 said, check the gas error logger code then check in the manual, this error will point you in the right direction. could be a bad module

  • Carcaruso

    March 17, 2023 at 2:59 am
  • rationaltechnician

    March 23, 2023 at 4:33 pm

    The 34-6 error while unit is off is an unrelated problem the RESET GAS and likely the switch on PCB, one leg opening and other staying closed. Check this and update us.

  • HospitalTech

    May 19, 2023 at 5:26 am

    We have two Rational SCC WE 202 G units. Similarly we were chasing down “Reset Gas” errors for quite some time before discovering the issues. We discovered that one unit had a tiny hole in the heat exchanger. This was causing issues with the air/gas mixture and setting the error at start up. The other oven would run for a while, after start up, before faulting. In that case the steam generator tank was slowly allowing water into the burner chamber and filling it until it caused an issue with the burner and also gave us a “Reset Gas” error. Just a couple of possibilities to look at if you are at a dead end.

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